SZUKAJ : simula (60 - 52)

Nowe narzędzie do analizy MES dla Autodesk Inventor

Opublikowany: 31.07.2008 Komentarzy:
Notice: Undefined index: ile_com in /home/users/jakubc02/public_html/domains/ on line 84
Dodany przez: Redakcja
Advanced Simulation Technology Preview to nowe narzędzie rozszerzające możliwości symulacyjne Autodesk® Inventor® Simulation Suite 2009 oraz Autodesk® Inventor® Professional 2009.


Opublikowany: 18.04.2007 Komentarzy: Dodany przez: Redakcja
The SPLOT program is a highly effective tool intended for simulating the HP-GL/2, HP-GL, HP-RTL, or DXY-GL plotters on the display of your PC. A partial support of the PCL language is also provided. The SPLOT program is the very thing you need to make your work with the plotter more effective. The SPLOT program will give you a guarantee you will always draw on your plotter what you really want. That is why it will save your nerves, your time, your plotter, pens, ink and paper, that means your money.
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